After the rather disappointing start of the season of Rob and Phil in Doha, the two are now going separate ways in view of the Olympic qualification and the season highlight, the A1 CEV EuroBeachVolley Vienna 2023.Together with their new partners they want to set new impulses and make further steps forward.
The same applies for Martin Ermacora and Mo Pristauz. After eight successful years together on the tour, M & M are also going separate ways.
After the sensational joint semi-final of the four at the A1 CEV BeachVolley Nations Cup Vienna 2022, the four switch for the new season 2023. We are already excited how far the journey of the new duos in Vienna 2023 goes!
Now it's time to work on the new constellation together in the training camp before Seidl/Pristauz and Ermacora/Waller start at the tournaments in Mexico in March!
We will report on how the two new teams are doing in our next edition of Beach Shorts at the end of March. You can find the last edition of the season opener here.
In any case, we wish both new Austrian teams all the best.